
The Department of Public Information is responsible for all media-related aspects of Youth in Government. We strive to not only inform but entertain in ways that uphold the mission of YIG and the Tennessee YMCA Center for Civic Engagement. Explore and enjoy!

Your 2024 Youth in Government Officers:

 Managing Editor: Marvy Nessim

Social Media Director: Fiona McGoffin

Blog and Copy Editor: Alianna Jones

Video Director: Dani Suarez

Forgiving Mark Nashi?

Written by Angelina Taramona and Willa Smith With the recent controversy involving Governor Mark Nashi, many Tennesseans are conflicted on whether or not they should forgive him given comments made by him on Saturday, March 2nd. The 71st Capitol Governor was quoted saying “I don’t care about Tennesseans, I just want my devices back.” When…

Governor Nashi Puts the “Mid” in the Handling of the Midnight Crisis

Written by Adie Norris Last night, there was a call for Governor Mark Nashi to resign after his handling of a crisis left much to be desired by both citizens and politicians like Mayor Gooch of Oak Ridge. Nashi headed the crisis-resolution effort dealing with the “Midnight Crisis,” during which the Fontana Dam was suddenly…

Not Just a Dam Problem: A Not So Brief Recap of Last Night’s Midnight Crisis

Written by Alianna Jones Last night, I had the honor of attending and doing a bit of press mischief at the Midnight Crisis. Governor Mark Nashi and his cabinet seemed quite confident going into the event, hoping to put their brains and extra money in the budget together to be done in 30 minutes. Spoiler…