YIG Survival Guide

How to Survive at the YIG Conference 

Author: Whit Barrett  

No matter what you’re participating in, whether it be Press, General Assembly, or Courts, it is undeniable that the Captial Conference is tons of fun! People congregating to make a difference is always special, and this conference is no exception. Everyone is working hard alongside his/her peers and it all seems to be going well so far!  There are bound to be rough bumps as that happens with everything. But, if you just follow these tips, you should survive! 

Tip #: Communicate with your peers and officers as much as possible! 

-In order to limit any sort of confusion and keep things going as smoothly as possible, discuss what you’re going to do with everyone! This is especially important for safety. Be sure to warn everybody when you’re going somewhere, and if needed, be sure to bring along a buddy! 

Tip #2: Go to bed at a decent time. 

-Most of us are not morning people, and boy is that a huge factor at YIG. Make sure to coordinate with your roommates who gets the bathroom and when. Also, go to sleep at a decent hour or be sure you know how to get up with an alarm. Being late to your sessions can cause a train wreck and get you in major trouble. 

Tip #3: Eat consistently. 

-While it may be tempting to save on lunch and splurge on dinner, it is best to eat the right amount that will keep you happy. Not eating can make one go crazy while in sessions as there is no food/drinks allowed in them.  

Following these tips will surely aid you in your survival of the conference! Have fun everyone! 

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