The Minds of MUN

By: Paiton Wiles 

It is always interesting to see so many diverse backgrounds and nationalities in one place from many different areas all aligning for a common goal. After talking to many interviewees about their first day at Conference A, I gathered many fun facts, pieces of advice, and feedback. Many people outside of the MUN conferences tend to think it’s only for people with nothing else to do or only for people who want to work in government. The reality is many of the interviewees along with MUN, also participated in many different varsity sports and clubs at their schools.

 I loved hearing different people’s “why’s” for MUN. Such as why are they here, why did they choose their bill, and why did they choose their assembly if they did one. One of my favorites was a brutally honest guy. He wasn’t afraid to say what his real answers to my questions were. His main “why” was that it looked really good to colleges. Many other people said that they come to the conferences to meet new people and bond with people who share the same interests. Another “why” that stuck out to me was from a girl in the General Assembly. She came because she wanted to grow in her rhetoric and speaking skills. 

As a first-year MUN attendee, it was liberating to hear people’s advice for others. As a whole, everyone said the best piece of advice was don’t be afraid to talk! Whether that be by asking questions, speaking up in your assembly, introducing yourself to others, or needing help. It was brought up multiple times that the first day of MUN is nerve-racking, but if you stay hydrated and level-headed you’ll do amazing.

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