The Thin Line Between Youth in Government and The Typical Horror Film

Nadia Wade –

 “Midsommar,” “Halloween,” “Chucky,” “Final Destination,” “The Shining,” “The Mummy,” “The Leprechaun,” etc. In every good horror film, there are certain characteristics that make it a memorable experience for the audience. There is often a great deal of gore, jumpscares, and mounting suspense. The really great films will have the audience biting their nails, covering eyes and ears, and hoping that the film will be over soon. There is actually not much of a difference between one’s first time at Youth in Government and the uneasy feeling that one gets while watching a horror movie.

Between the jam-packed schedule filled with various meetings, TomFoolery Committee’s, the need to exercise one’s public speaking skills, and just the many introductions to new people, Youth in Government can be a very anxiety-inducing event for a first-time delegate at this exciting conference. Though gore itself is not necessarily part of the “YIG x Horror Movie experience,” the jumpscares and suspense are surely there. One experiences a jumpscare when answering questions during bill presentations, arguing in front of the court, and even when answering simple icebreakers. 

Though Youth in Government and horror films can both make a person very anxious, it is important to remember the purpose of this conference as a first-time delegate. One’s mission should be to learn as much as one can about Youth in Government, meet as many new people as possible, and simply remember to have fun and make memories that will last a lifetime. Though the first-time experience of Youth in Government can be a lot like watching a great horror movie, it is one that many are willing to watch over and over again, no matter how difficult it may be for a first-time delegate.

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