Senator Pheonix Caruthers Champions a Powerful New Dynamic Bill

Lilly Ann Brown

You’ve all studied your conference books from front to back, but here’s some breaking news on a new dynamic bill written by Senator Pheonix Caruthers and our strong team of Lobbyists. 

So, what is Dynamic Legislature?

In a recent interview, Lobbyist Grace Harris gave a brief explanation of dynamic legislation. She stated, “if there is a bill idea you come across or you want to write a bill you didn’t think about prior to the conference, you can team up with us Lobbyists and we can work together to write that bill or rewrite an idea you love in a more effective way.” Dynamic legislation is a unique opportunity provided by our Lobbyists. It provides a mechanism by which our Congress can evaluate itself and adjust laws depending on how well they are performing and what delegates feel compelled to argue. According to a Penn Law study about dynamic legislature in United States legislative proceedings, dynamic action “does not impermissibly entrench the current majority, and it is not as susceptible to the pathologies of the political economy.” This unique perspective allows any delegate to amend their thinking and push for a new bill they think our conference needs.

What is this new bill?

Senator Pheonix Caruthers took full advantage of this new opportunity, and with the help of our Lobbyists, has penned an act to reform the solitary confinement system in Tennessee state correctional facilities. Caruthers’ bill argues that no prisoners in Tennessee state correctional facilities should be subject to punishment by solitary confinement unless in extreme cases decided by a judge. Concern in this realm is well-founded; according to the American Psychological Association, “inmates who experience solitary confinement are more likely to develop anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and psychosis.” Identifying this specific need, Pheonix Caruthers saw the hole in the bills brought to the conference and decided to work with our strong Lobby to develop his dynamic bill.

One of the unique facets of the bill is that inmates can commit themselves to voluntary confinement. Once committed, psychiatrists will perform a mental health evaluation and determine the needs of the inmate. Inmates that need the solidarity of the rooms are free to use them and can receive the mental help and support they need. In a quick interview, Sen. Caruthers said, “we want to use those cells to help people, not hurt them.” Caruthers’ bill is an excellent example of dynamic legislature in action, and with the help of our Lobbyists, we get to hear new bills tailored to overlooked yet critical topics here at YIG. 

As we head into our last full day of YIG, be sure to keep an eye out for Senator Pheonix Caruthers’ new Lobbyist endorsed dynamic bill, and pay attention to the Lobbyists as they write and amend some of our first ever in-person dynamic bills.

Pictures by Lilly Ann Brown

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