Featured Bill: RHB/22-3-3 Prohibits the Banning of Books

Molly Mauldin –

The banning of books has become a very serious issue within Tennessee and the specific counties involved. When books become banned, it prevents the children from reading and learning about the book’s deeper message about life. There are people like Martin Overholt and Carolynn Huber, Red House Representatives, who believe that banning books should be prohibited. Prohibiting the banning of books allows kids to learn more about the things around them. RHB/22-3-3 states that a committee would be formed in order to age-restrict certain books.

With the age restrictions, the bill was said to allow kids to read what is deemed most appropriate for that age group. This being said, parents are able to opt their kids out and they would then be able to read any book they wish. Overholt and Huber felt very strongly about prohibiting the banning of books and stated that it would hinder the learning of the children around us. They would also give every book the same chances and would only review them once every four years. They are advocating for themselves and the kids around them to read more books.

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