Join Us at Tomfoolery Committee Tonight

Kaya Selzer –

When is the Tomfoolery Committee?

This Saturday night, April 2, the Tomfoolery Committee will commence at 8:30 PM and will conclude at 10:00 PM. 

What is the Tomfoolery Committee? 

This committee is also known as a joke bill committee. Its main purpose is to be silly, creative, funny, and ridiculous to add some fun to Youth in Government. This is a great experience for everyone and is highly recommended. There is an entrance fee for everyone, priced at $5. The proceeds will go towards the Youth in Government scholarship fund.

Why should you participate in the Tomfoolery Committee?

According to Governor Siddiqui, “One year a delegate proposed that we should smash every Alexa with a hammer. Take that as you will.”

Hope to see you there!

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