YIG Tips and Tricks

Written by Evan Lyke

Ann Baker Tolsma, Eesha Sutharshan, Eva Muresan, and Meg Atkins

As we start near the end of the 2024 YIG Capitol Conference, the question of what to do next year becomes relevant. Here are some helpful tips from delegates of the Red House and our Commissioner of Agriculture. All these students are seniors with varying degrees of experience, ranging from first to fourth years. They have some wise words for you as you think about your role at YIG next year! 

Alexis Barton is the Commissioner of Agriculture in the Governor’s Cabinet and has attended YIG since she was a freshman. Here are her three tips for upcoming members of the Governor’s Cabinet: 1. Know the bills in your department, the cost content, etc. 2. Bring a pair of running shoes! 3. Be prepared to be frantic!

Eesha Sutharshan is a first-year member of YIG. As a senior, she presents her bill in the Red House with Meg Atkins. Here are her three helpful tips for anyone new to YIG: 1. Bring an energy drink because you will be awake and busy from 8 am to 10 pm. 2. Pack an umbrella in case it rains, as you will be doing a lot of walking outside. 3. Create a bill that would be morally wrong not to pass.

Aditi Singh, a Red House Representative

Meet Aditi Singh. This is her second year at YIG, and she is presenting her bill with Ann Baker Tolsma in the Red House. Here are Aditi’s three helpful tips for anyone going into Red House next year: 1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or mess up! This is all for fun, and you will enjoy YIG so much if you get out there and participate! 2. Be prepared for people to challenge you and try to trip you up, but as long as you genuinely believe in the purpose of your bill, you can back up nearly any argument. 3. Make sure to talk to other delegates during free time and become friends with new people! This will make the whole process more engaging, and you will gain more support for your bill’s passage.

As you approach the 2025 Youth in Government Capitol Conference, I encourage you to look over these helpful tips to make sure your experience is the best it can be!

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